Book Review

“Four Wheels–No Brakes” (270 pages, softbound, with illustrations) was first printed in 1930 by the Auto Pioneers in St. Louis. According to historians, this was the only major U.S. city in which the pioneers produced a book on their own recollections.The copies are now considered very rare. The book is made from a series of vignettes of the pioneers. This includes history and events on the first cars in and around St. Louis, races, inventions, breakdowns, production, and challenges. It’s a human story of a mechanical marvel.
Auto pioneer Henry Borbein was the author and compiler. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, he was an active member of the Horseless Carriage Club of Missouri.
This current reprint is exact in every detail with the exception of being softbound. It has quality stitching and the visuals were professionally scanned and balanced for superb results. The reprint was issued in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the first auto show in St. Louis.
Cost: $20 + $5 S&H
Review by Dr. Gerald Perschbacher

The Horseless Carriage Club has copies of the book “Four Wheels no Brakes” available for sale. You can get your copy at our regular meetings or purchase it by mail from the club. To order send a check for $25 (includes shipping and handling) made out to the “Horseless Carriage Club of Missouri”.
Send your order to:
Gary Perschbacher