Letter From The President

Welcome to the HCCM website and the world of car appreciation. At least that’s the way I see it. I appreciate everything mechanical, I guess that makes me a simple “old boy.” I appreciate the simplicity and variety of the brass era cars. I appreciate the new technology and I appreciate the human factor. There is no drama ever written that could rival the personalities in the automotive field. Why the Horseless Carriage Club of MO? Because we are like minded people who gather for discussion, education, fun and don’t forget food. We are all age groups and all walks of life, and we drive a little of everything. 

As a matter of fact, you don’t even have to own a collector car to belong. Our shows are limited to antique vehicles. An antique could be as new as 1998. Don’t be shy because you don’t have the “right” car. If you like cars, you’re going to fit right in. By joining you will be invited to monthly meetings with an educational component and snacks, a summer picnic, Christmas Party, cruises, visits to private car collections and much more. We present the Easter car show at Forrest Park each year, the Father’s Day car show at the Museum of Transportation in Kirkwood, the Fall Swap Meet and car show and the Brass and Nickel show.

Our dues are $25 per year and it’s the best bargain you’re going to find in this age of rapid inflation. If I haven’t sold you yet or if you have questions just call me on the number listed below or call any of our officers and they will be happy to talk about our club and welcome you to join us. 

John Hartmann, 2023 President 314 313-0305